Valais Specialties


Verger abricot Valais brand Wallis Schweiz Switzerland Suisse

The Prince of the Valais orchard

One thousand flavours

If the Luizet du Valais reigned for a long time as a master, today 100 varieties which allow the spreading out of the harvest. From the earliest to the latest, the different varieties of Valais apricots can be enjoyed throughout the summer.

  • Early - from mid-June

    Bergeval Chrisgold Colorado Flopria Goldrich Lido Orangered

  • High season - July-August

    Aprisweet Bergarouge Delicot Kioto Lady Cot Luizet

  • Late - August-September

    Bergeron Faralia Harogem Swired Tardif de Tain Tardif de Valence

Direct sale of apricots

1 - 26 | 26 results

Recipes with apricots

Brochure - Les saveurs de l'été (French)