
Aug 23, 2024 6:30 PM

Aug 23, 2024

Aug 24, 2024 10:00 AM

Aug 24, 2024 6:00 PM


Hedonistica SàRL
1950 - Sion, Av. Maurice Troillet 260


The first edition of Terroirs will take place on Saturday 24 August 2024. This event will be held in the courtyard of the farm of the Valais School of Agriculture in Châteauneuf. A rendez-vous incontournable for the curieux and gourmands of local products.

A large market will bring together more than ten passionate producers who will be offering emblematic products from the Valais terroir for direct sale. It will also be possible for the public to discover and taste the emblematic products of our two honored hosts, the canton of Switzerland, Jura, and a region of limited size, the Vallée d'Aoste. An opportunity to discover new savors and traditions.

A series of workshops on registration will also be organized under the guidance of experts such as cheese maker Claude Luisier, the ambassador of raclette Eddy Baillifard and wine specialist Johanna Dayer. These workshops are the perfect opportunity to improve your knowledge of the products of the terroir, learn how to taste and order them. An enriching and sensory experience that will allow you to conquer the taste buds of the most discerning gourmets.

The children benefit from their own space (grimage, gourmet castle and tasting of syrups). A fun and entertaining way for the youngest to discover the different products of the terroir.

A restaurant space will be available for visitors, offering the opportunity to taste the culinary specialties of the three regions. In addition, these regional delicacies will be honored during the Tavolata scheduled for 23 August. The menu, prepared by the talented chef Aline Ménétrey, awarded a 13/20 rating by the Gault & Millau guide, offers a mémorable culinary experience! Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Sion26.07.2024 03:07

18°fair weather

  • 16°
  • 32°
  • 80%
  • 5km/h

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