Pumptracks and skillsparks

Skills park Grimentz - Kids Bike League

This skills park is located at the top of the Bendolla cable car in Grimentz and consists of three discovery trails of varying levels. It is run by the "Kids Bike League", a mountain bike school which aims to teach young mountain bike enthusiasts aged 3 to 12 to master the basics and techniques of mountain biking in a fun way, using tracks, modules and jumps.

Grimentz26.07.2024 22:07

14°partly cloudy

  • 14°
  • 26°
  • 70%
  • 5km/h


Opening period

End of June until end of August


natural + modules



View of the Cervo hotel with the Matterhorn in the background, Zermatt. Valais, Switzerland.

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