Project initiators

Dr' Jope - Project initiators

Damian Constantin

Director of Valais/Wallis Promotion and a committed ambassador for the Valais, he and his team have been promoting the Valais across sectors in Switzerland and abroad since September 2013. The idea of a typical Valais jacket was particularly close to his heart.

Damian Constantin at the Coffee Table Book Dr Jope

Adrian J Margelist

Internationally renowned fashion designer with Valais roots. He is now an independent creative director. Adrian J Margelist developed the Dr' Jope concept, was chairman of the project jury and took over the creative direction of the project.

Adrian Margelist

Ecole de Couture du Valais

On the occasion of their final exam, fifteen students in the "créateur/trice de vêtements" program at the Ecole de Couture du Valais presented their first project for a Valais jacket to a jury. The training institute produced the winning jacket, executed the prototypes and is in charge of the production process. The "Studio Couture" couture school boutique in Sierre is responsible for selling the jacket and matching vest.

Suit of Valais called Dr'Jope

Eliane Kuonen

Student at the Ecole de Couture and winner of the project competition for the Valais veston. Born in Vietnam in 1996 and raised in Sierre, she is an enthusiastic clothing designer and won over the jury with her design for the Valais veston. She used the Rhone line as a visual element, which represents the whole of Valais and its diversity.

Eliane, Projektinitiantin