

Chestnuts from Valais, brisolée, Valais, Wallis
  • Category

    Main Course

  • Difficulty


  • Nutritional value / pers.

    450 kcal

  • Total time

    35 min

  • Preparation time

    5 min

  • Cooking time

    30 min

Ingredients (4 people)


  1. Sort the chestnuts by putting them in a sink filled with water. Eliminate those that float as they are rotten or wormy.

  2. Split them with a knife so they will be easier to open afterwards.

  3. Roast the chestnuts in a cast iron pan with holes, preferably on a wood fire (which is a lot better) for 20 to 30 minutes according to their size.

  4. Serve immediately with the following accompaniments: cheeses, dried meat, cured ham, cured bacon, buttered rye bread and fruits.


Try a young wine or lightly fermented grape juice with the Brisolée.

Wine suggestion

Johannisberg or Amigne mi-flétrie or Gamay